
Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


That important things for your TOEFL 1. Make sure each sentence has a subject and a verb phrase With The Clause 2. Beware the Object of Preposition 3. Beware the Appositives

• SKILL 1: Make sure the have every sentence of a subject. SUBJECT => The main actors in the sentence. VERB => (the work done by the subject) Powerful Kick 1: Make sure the THAT EVERY SENTENCE each only have ONE AND ONE SUBJECT VERB Example: The new computer has the program provides a variety of application helpfull Question: is this sentence correct? Answer: (Analysis) In the first powerful moment that every sentence must have a subject and a verb. Then we broke out the sentence. The new computer has the program provides a variety of application subject helpfull. The sentence above is not effective because it has two verbs that match the first moment the sentence was not effective. Effective sentences (correct sentence): The new computer program has a variety of helpfull applicationThe new computer program provides a variety of application helpful

EXAMPLE: Yesterday went to school by bus Question: is it correct? Answer: So we need to make the structure of the sentence: Yesterday went to school by bus. At the time information in the above sentence is there and verb tense. But the sentence above, there is no shortage of finding the subject in the sentence above. Because there is no subject in the sentence above, the sentence is not a sentence that effective. Correct Answer: Yesterday (subject) went to school by bus. Yesterday I went to school by bus. Yesterday he went to school by bus EXAMPLE: The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver Analysis: The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver. In the above analysis that the sentence has a subject and each one verb. Can be opened a verb because the sentence is a passive sentence and should use V3 is opened.

• 2. BE CAREFUL with OBJECT OF preposition. Keyword: OBJECT OF preposition => after preposition words (words after a preposition) Example: At noon noun Preposition Behind Them Behind = preposition; Them = pronoun or the object of the preposition = Without preposition. Without sneezing; sneezing = gerund or the object of preposition.The the object of the preposition will often have modifiers that add description: At the kitchen counter At = preposition; tea, kitchen = modifiers; counter = noun or the object of the preposition. Between us only Between = preposition; U.S. = pronoun or the object of the preposition; only = modifier. Without completely finishing Without = preposition; completely = modifier; finishing = gerund or the object of the preposition. EXAMPLE: From the beginning of the storm, Dorothy was sure she would make it home. find object of the preposition in the sentence above. Responsibility: Step 1: Identification of the first proposition of the sentence above. From the beginning of the storm, Dorothy was sure she would make it home. Step 2: Kick powerful: WORDS AFTER preposition then the answer is: -----> begining is the object of the preposition of FROM ------> STORM is the object of the preposition

• 3. CAREFUL APPOSITIVES premises. Appositive: additional information or additional information that serves to clarify Subject or Object of a sentence and the Appositive usually omitted if not eliminate the meaning of the sentence. Example: The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the kitchen table. The insect, a large cockroach, is crawling across the kitchen table. the insect, a large cockroach with hairy legs, is crawling across the kitchen table. the insect, a large, hairy-legged cockroach that has spied my bowl of oatmeal, is crawling across the kitchen table. During the dinner conversation, Clifford, the messiest eater at the table, spewed like an erupting mashed potatoes volcano. My 286 computer, a modern-day dinosaur, chews floppy disks as noisily as my brother does peanut brittle. Genettes bedroom desk, the biggest disaster area in the house, is a collection of overdue library books, dirty plates, computer components, old mail, cat hair, and empty potato chip bags. Reliable, Dianes eleven-year-old beagle, chews holes in the living room carpeting as if he were puppy. A still a hot-tempered tennis player, Robbie charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor mansskull with a racket. Robbie, a hot-tempered tennis player, charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor mansskull with a racket.

Example for TOEFL

Title: Learn English Vocabulary - English Adjectives Verbs author: raddith

1. adj. curt

    (a)     satisfied; pleased
    (b)     brief; blunt; rude
    (c)     gloomy; dark; depressing; sad; mournful
    (d)     complex; complicated; involved; entangled
2. adj. confidential

    (a)     hard; troublesome; complicated; complex
    (b)     classified; secret; strictly private
    (c)     back; hind
    (d)     controlling; aggressive; extremely self-assertive; bossy
3. adj. intent

    (a)     commercial; of commerce
    (b)     concentrated; focused; determined; resolute; purposeful
    (c)     spotted; speckled; composed of a 
series of small dashes (about a line)
    (d)     correct; suitable; just; 
4. adj. peculiar

    (a)     arranged in a particular way; prepared for reading and writing
    (b)     exceptional; special; strange; odd; curious
    (c)     preliminary; beginning
    (d)     can be traded; can be substituted by something else
5. adj. rational

    (a)     faithful; true to one's obligations
    (b)     logical; reasonable; intelligent; prudent; expressible as a whole number (Mathematics)
    (c)     having no curves or bends; frank; continuous; honest; consistent
    (d)     excellent; conspicuous; prominent; due
check you score : 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.b

Title: Vocabulary Test - List of Nouns Adjectives author: raddith
1. n. tackle

    (a)     one part of a hundred
    (b)     equipment; device for lifting and lowering objects
professional cook; head cook in a restaurant of hotel
    (d)     variety; difference; unlikeness
2. n. resignation

    (a)     something created separately for the purpose of being added to or placed inside (a book, newspaper, etc.)
    (b)     act of quitting a 
position; letter stating that one quits a position; relinquishment
    (c)     outlook; perspective; view; opinion; attitude
    (d)     inherent nature of something; central or outstanding characteristic
3. n. catalog

    (a)     mark or signature which allows a letter or 
package to be sent free of charge
    (b)     good friend; acquaintance
    (c)     degree of excellence; characteristic; attribute; character; excellence
    (d)     itemized list; index; directory
4. n. angle

    (a)     person who owns and operates a food store
    (b)     rules introduced by the government to regulate the trade of securities and mutual funds
    (c)     point of view; perspective
    (d)     true or fictional account of some occurrence; short work of fiction; plot; news report
5. n. inhabitant

    (a)     opening stroke or hit of the ball (Sports)
    (b)     sum; whole
    (c)     using up
    (d)     person who lives in a particular place; resident; tenant; occupant
check you score : 1.b 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d

Title: Vocabulary for Non English Speakers - List of Verbs author: raddith
1. v. impose

    (a)     to plan; to mean; to have in mind do or accomplish; to designate for a particular purpose
    (b)     to require; to compel; to force upon; to enforce; to institute
    (c)     to injure; to harm; to mistreat
    (d)     to fasten; to link to; to add; to ascribe to; to 
connect to
2. v. import

    (a)     to 
record; to enroll; to have an effect; to have influence
    (b)     to sell; to 
trade or deal; to distribute; to promote
    (c)     to bring from another place; to bring goods from a foreign country; to signify; to imply
    (d)     to alter; to change; to fluctuate
3. v. perpetuate

    (a)     to eternalize; to make everlasting; to preserve from extinction
    (b)     to render insusceptible to a disease by inoculating
    (c)     to cause to be acquainted; to accustom; to make something well known; to publicize
    (d)     to manage; to supervise; to supply; to dispense
4. v. deserve

    (a)     to go out of sight; to become extinct; to cease to exist; to 
    (b)     to predict a future event or 
condition; to foretell
    (c)     to convert an object or image into a digital image using an optical device to browse
    (d)     to be worthy of; to have a right to
5. v. accompany

    (a)     to go along with; to go together with; to join; to attach
    (b)     to hold onto; to save; to store; 
to watch over; to care for
    (c)     to give a cost to something
    (d)     to draft into military service; to voluntarily join a cause
check you score : 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.a

Title: Vocabulary Words - List of Verbs Nouns Adjectives author: raddith
1. v. edge

    (a)     to calculate; to figure; to 
    (b)     to sharpen; to provide with a border; to advance gradually or furtively
    (c)     to 
train; to certify; to meet the minimum standards; to moderate; to modify
    (d)     to originate; to create; to design; to fabricate; to concoct

2. v. sight

    (a)     to see with the eyes; to view; to notice; to discern; to observe
    (b)     to fail after starting well; to make a hissing noise which gradually fades into silence
    (c)     to draft into military service; to voluntarily join a cause
    (d)     to devise; to invent; to dream up; to design (often in a negative way)
3. n. nationality

    (a)     citizenship; patriotism
    (b)     act of giving in to desire; something which gratifies; luxury; leniency
    (c)     enterprise; drive; ambition; beginning move in a process; first step
    (d)     action; step; criterion; amount; degree; extent
4. n. standard

    (a)     model; criterion; norm; average; commodity which backs a monetary system
    (b)     person who puts money into a project
viewpoint, opinion; siting; locus; location; place; job
    (d)     equipment; device for lifting and lowering objects
5. v. floor

    (a)     to take a risk in order to achieve a goal
    (b)     to knock down; to astound; to shock
    (c)     to 
catalog; to list; to enumerate; to set down in full detail
    (d)     to make a scheme; to plot; to design; to contrive; to think up
check you score : 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b

Title: Vocabulary Activity - List of Adjectives Verbs author: raddith
1. adj. domestic

    (a)     very great in numbers; huge; powerful
    (b)     pertaining to home; pertaining to family; tame (about an animal)
    (c)     honest; sincere; straightforward; open; candid
    (d)     enduring; lasting; continuing; leftover; remaining

2. adj. nearby

    (a)     close at hand
    (b)     pedantic; cautious concerning minute details; scrupulous
    (c)     final; occurring as a result
    (d)     flat, level; even
3. adj. set

    (a)     chief; leading; main; 
    (b)     having no curves or bends; frank; continuous; honest; consistent
    (c)     little; few in number; trivial; unimportant; modest
    (d)     fixed; arranged; prepared; resolute; firmly resolved; determined in advance
4. adj. scatterbrained

    (a)     appropriate; fitting; well-timed; timely; proper; expedient
    (b)     unable to think in a clear and orderly manner; giddy or frivolous
    (c)     fruitful; productive; abundant; plentiful; multiplying; producing fruit
immediate; common; usual; standard
5. adj. eager

    (a)     occurring within a building; meant to be used inside
    (b)     still; fixed in place; static; settled; tending to stay in one place
    (c)     strongly desiring; keen; fervently interested
    (d)     comprehensive; 
complete; finished
check you score : 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c

Title: ESL English Vocabulary - Noun Adjective Lists author: raddith
1. n. watch

    (a)     appraisal; estimation; 
    (b)     financial framework; financial plan
    (c)     place used by planes for takeoff and landing
    (d)     small clock that is usually worn on the wrist; guarding; observation

2. n. virtual

    (a)     resident; native of a country
    (b)     computerized representation of an actual object
    (c)     something which legally or rightfully belongs to an individual; payment; fee
    (d)     quality; factor; characteristic; feature
3. n. suite

    (a)     demand for goods or services; 
rate of purchase and sale; fair
    (b)     luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipment
    (c)     structure; pattern; design; organization; pattern of data organization
    (d)     group of things that together form a set; group of attendants
4. n. anger

    (a)     attraction; closeness; liking; likeness
sheet of paper on which information has been printed; flyer
    (c)     rage; fury
    (d)     price; expense
5. n. enclosure

    (a)     staying where one is; expectation; ambush
    (b)     confinement; additional document or letter placed within another
    (c)     deficiency; flaw
    (d)     hyphen; drop; pinch; rush; sprint
check you score : 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.b

Title: Vocabulary Words - Adverb Adjective Noun Verb Preffix Lists author: raddith
1. adv. outside

    (a)     quite; sufficiently; fairly
    (b)     out of doors
    (c)     strenuously; with great effort; to the full extent; intently; 
to the extremelimit
    (d)     at first; in the first place; in a unique manner
2. adj. cheap

    (a)     coming or occurring after the usual or expected time; tardy; slow; delayed
    (b)     very great in numbers; huge; powerful
    (c)     satisfied; pleased
    (d)     opposite of expensive; inexpensive
3. n. message

    (a)     incorrect interpretation
abstract; summary; concise report; instructions
    (c)     communication; information; announcement; note; memo; intimation
    (d)     plan; aim; goal; purpose
4. adj. top

    (a)     new; fresh; late; of late times
    (b)     ceremonious; conventional; 
according to custom; stiff; strict; symmetrical
    (c)     highest; prime; leading
    (d)     important; consequential; meaningful; having meaning; of a considerable amount
5. n. accomplishment

    (a)     inability to succeed; lack of success; lack; 
bankruptcy; downfall
    (b)     fulfillment; realization; attainment; achievement
    (c)     test; attempt; experiment; annoyance
    (d)     concentration; consideration; focus; care; acknowledgment; recognition
check you score : 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.b